Friday, October 30, 2009

What IF Obama was 100% White American ?

Barak Obama is supposedly 1/2 White (his mother - White American) and 1/2 Black (Father from Kenya).

Most of us don't even know the real deal with this guy, there are so many twisted conspiracies and other theories on where he was originally born and other things besides that.

But our topic today is, What if Obama was truly 100% a White man, and his father from Kenya was just a cover-up in order to get the black votes?

Its a crazy idea to think of this, but what if we were all fooled, I mean, if Michael Jackson can bleach himself white, why couldn't someone be able to UN-bleach them self black?

If this were true, then this is what Barack Obama really looks like:

Instead, they Un-Bleached him to look like this:

Any Questions ?

What If Dogs Were Attracted To Cats ?

Ever Saw a cat run away when a dog was in its presence? Cats have been known to be afraid of dogs, or at the very least, be come very defensive when dogs are around.

Why is that? Why can cats get along with cats and not dogs?

Simple fact, Dogs are a different breed and I bet cats can sense this, so they automatically become very aware of dog in its surroundings.

Now, what if this sense of threat were removed, and cats looked at dogs like their own and dogs looked at cats like their own, hmmm.

I have an answer for this below:

OK, funny isn't it?

We all know dogs are dogs, and will basically hump anything that moves or breathes, even a human leg which doesn't actually breathe but it moves too !!!!

Don't believe me, check this photo below and you'll see that dogs will hump anything that moves and breathes:

Any thoughts?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

eBay Acquires Google INC.

eBay has been known for purchasing so many top companies and turning a profit on them.

Now when it comes to the all mighty Google, this is something we probably never even thought what happen.

Google is by far the #1 search engine of the globe, then comes Yahoo, then MSN. If eBay were to purchase Google in a whole, eBay would be probably the GOD of the entire web, running the #1 shopping mall on the net, and the #1 Search engine on the net.

This could be devastating to many high end companies out there who rely on Google for their main traffic source.

eBay would probably first change the homepage logo to their name, like below:

No more will it be, "Google it" , now you will hear the term " eBay it" or eBay Him" as the new phrase.

eBay will also dominate the market in terms of a shopping website since they will have full control of where their website will rank and which of their competition will be pushed all the way back.

eBay will also institute a new feedback system for merchants listed on google ummm, excuse me, I mean eBay search engine. The top performing companies will receive automatic placement on top along with a top seller badge to show customers they are worth buying from.

Conclusion: I am not sure whether this will ever happen, or if it even makes any sense if it were to happen, but if anything I would imagine Google being the acquirer instead of eBay since Google is much more powerful in terms of revenue and branding.

In my own opinion, if eBay were to purchase Google, all hell will break loose from companies all over the web as eBay will be the most hated entity of the world (as if it almost already is)

Microsoft and Apple Become Best Friends

Imagine rivals Microsoft (Bill Gates) and Apple (Steve Jobs) became best friends overnight. What would this mean in the technology world?

Bill Gates has Windows while Steve Jobs has MAC, and if the 2 were to become best friends, you might also expect them to collaborate their technology as well to expand the market into new heights never before reached.

You might see a new Windows / Mac combined OS, such as WinMac 2010.

Below is an image of what this would look like:

Wow, WinMac 2010, it would be called, and can run on either MAC or PC. Next, you there will no longer be competition from PC and MAc, instead, they will create a new super computer technology called Pmac (pronounced Pee Mac) that will allow anything form windows to mac OS to be installed and run individually or simultaneously from this computer.

Now bsides the computer part of the buisness , I would look forward to the new ipod / mp3 players from Jobs and Gates. The next iPod touch would be called New "WinTouch" powered by windows rather than Mac and uses internet explorer combined with safari with a new browser called "IESafari" with state of the art built in anti spyware, anti virus etc...

This new browser will let you run flash over your iPod touch or iPhone or Wintouch, lets you stream real time video on any movie / video format available, also lets you stream music right through the browser.

Conclusion, though Apple and Microsoft have always been rivals with each other, there is always a possibility of them some day joining each other rather than competing against each other, but who knows.

Marijuana - To Legal or Not to Legal ?

Marijuana has been a very popular drug especially amongst the younger people these days. Most people smoke it whether through a bong (pipe like device) or throw papers such as tobacco paper, Dutch or bamboo paper. There are others who prefer not to use any form of papers to smoke marijuana and would just use a smoke pipe which is a direct way of inhaling marijuana without using any other paper.

Nowadays marijuana, though still illegal, can be obtained through street corner
deals and other drug deals through the country quietly. Its always a risk when
you are buying marijuana, as there is always a chance of the police watching you
and later on catching you in the act.

But what if Marijuana 1 day became legal?

I believe marijuana would definitely be taxable just like cigarettes and alcohol
are, and the plant would be easier to get as it is no longer an under the
counter drug.

Here is a list of things I believe would happened as a result of marijuana
being legalized:

  • Marijuana will be taxable
  • The price will be twice as much as a pack of
  • The streets all over will reek of the smell of marijuana
  • Thousands of drug deals will be out of business or looking for an alternate drug to sell
  • Wars will start to break out among drug dealers as competition will begin to rise like never before
  • The cost of tobacco paper will rise
  • Cigarette companies will start dropping their prices in order to compete with marijuana
  • Many companies will begin branding their marijuana
    like, Newport, Marlboro, etc....
  • The economy will begin to go up hill as alot of
    peoples money will go towards buying marijuana all over

In Conclusion, the truth of the matter is, marijuana is a curable plant that can be used to heal people of many problems in their health. The government does not want people to use marijuana to help themselves, but rather make it illegal and difficult to get, so you can spend your money on their medicine and other antibodies.

Marijuana is a plant, a very special plant that is good for curing diseases, healing people and basically its a powerful nature herb
this is being contained for the sake of making millions of dollars. More money
is being made by the government from importing into this country and selling it
to high drug lords in thousands of pounds. They also influence young people by
promoting the use of marijuana in movies and music so that we can all smoke it
and dumb us all down.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What if Chocolate helped to loose weight

This is probably one of the most asked questions in my emails, what if chocolate was good for you or good for loosing weight.

Chocolate is loved by millions, I mean, all over the world chocolate has become one of the most tempting but yet hurtful things to eat. For some, eating chocolate will add pimples to your skin, and for the most part will also add pounds to your body.

But the question remains, if the situation were reversed, what would happened if chocolate was actually good for you and could help you to loose weight and keep you healthy?

I'll start by saying yummy! If chocolate helped to loose weight, first of all I don't think there would even be that many people out there who need to even loose weight.

Now, in a professional business sense, if this were the case, I am certain chocolate would be either illegal or very very expensive to acquire in all forms of shape and taste. For example, M&M's could of been a pharmaceutical company rather than a chocolate candy company.

It would be very difficult to find chocolate and those who can easily manufacture it would be trillion-ares. Imagine chocolate milk, costing you $5 per cup or $12 per bottle. Insane isn't it? Chocolate cupcakes could range from $5 - $8 per cake and a box of donuts would probably cost around $25 - $30.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What if USA and IRAN went to war

I think this is a very scary question, but is always a possibility of happening. Iran has nukes, and so does the US, so if the US would go to war with Iran directly, we might see the very last war in history as we know it.

Lets go down the line and see what would happened if USA would go to war with Iran:

Phase #1

President Obama goes live on public TV and announces that the security of America is on high alert, and tells us all not to worry or panic, that they will do everything they can to protect our freedom. As he is speaking , you may notice the expression on his face that he is terrified but trying his very best to hide it on while on camera. He will also tell us that they are already moving troops into the surrounding area of Iran with the help of UK and France.

Phase #2

One week after the presidents live speech , while we sit at home watching our normal television program, we are all suddenly interrupted with breaking news on a huge story. As fear creeps into our minds, we are told that the Grand Central Station in downtown New York was blown up by a mini nuke from a suspected Iranian terrorist. The toll death toll exceeds over $7,000 people including women and children. America is now as afraid as ever when a 2nd News update flashes across the screen and announces a 2nd terror attack has occurred. We are all shocked when it is announced that 1/2 of California has been disintegrated by a huge nuclear bomb. Panic starts to run nation wide as people start to flood he streets in chaos, breaking into cars, stores and vandalizing everything they see in their way.

Phase #3

President Obama quickly addresses the world we are officially at war with Iran and those who harbor them. He announces that we have just send over 15 nukes into the main capital to Iran in retaliation of the California and New York bombing. So far the US death toll is at 19,744,00 people including women and children. America is outraged and has already started looking for anyone who looks like an Iranian and immediately kills them and their families for the terror bombing on the 2 major cities.

Phase #4

America has detonated over 15 Nukes over Iran's major cities which kills over 33,000,000 people and the number continues to grow. Russia (Iran's ally) and China and North Korea has joined the war on Iran's side against the USA. France, UK, and Japan are now in the war officially as well, aiding USA. We now have the superpowers of the world against each other. Russian sends Nukes into Israel , while China and North Korea wipe France off the map with their nukes, completely wiping them off the map. The whole world is now in complete panic as counties are sending each other nukes and wiping each other out.

Phase #5

Nearly half of the world is wiped out at this point, leaving US major cities still standing and half of Iran's military gone. America reveals a super secret weapon they have been working secretly on for about 2 decades. They send a missile that is not only undetectable, but can reach as far as the middle east and explodes in the air, releasing a super toxic biological micro organisms that spread into the air and kill anything that breathes it within seconds of inhaling it. This finishes Iran's military off within less than 24 hours after the missile has exploded over Iran's air space.

Now, I am not saying this is going to happened, but its just my own personal opinion on what might happened if USA went to war with Iran. I would love to get other theories and ideas on what might happened if this war broke out.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What-IF Michael Jackson was still alive?

There have been so many theories as if or not the great michael jackson was still alive and hiding, faking his death while evading the media.

I am not sure what the truth is, however, all I can tell you is that if he was still alive and hiding, he might just be more smarter than we actual knew. If he is still alive somewhere, I am certain he is living a more comfortable life since he was a well known superstar all over the world for decades.

His false memorial would have been one of the most well staged events in human history, following the burial, which is what appeared to be another staged event. I even had shed a few tears at his memorial so quite frankly I would feel very deceived if I knew he were somewhere hiding but at the same time I would feel also be glad he is somewhere safe and enjoying his new life, finally!

What-IF Nintendo NES never existed ?

Many of you probably do not know in the early 80s, the video games market was headed for a downfall when Atari and Coleco were the popular consoles at that time.

The Nintendo NES came into existence, saving the video game market in the US and began a revolution of video game history. Game systems you see today may might have never been possible, had Nintendo NES existed.

If the NES was never born, video games, might have never evolved, thus, allowing more physical activities for children and much more opportunity for the movie industry to be the #1 form of entertainment in the US. Yes I have to say I might of been alittle bored growing up without any video games, but I am pretty sure most of us would either be more into studying and doing our homework.

What do you think might have happened if there was no Nintendo NES?