Sunday, October 25, 2009

eBay Acquires Google INC.

eBay has been known for purchasing so many top companies and turning a profit on them.

Now when it comes to the all mighty Google, this is something we probably never even thought what happen.

Google is by far the #1 search engine of the globe, then comes Yahoo, then MSN. If eBay were to purchase Google in a whole, eBay would be probably the GOD of the entire web, running the #1 shopping mall on the net, and the #1 Search engine on the net.

This could be devastating to many high end companies out there who rely on Google for their main traffic source.

eBay would probably first change the homepage logo to their name, like below:

No more will it be, "Google it" , now you will hear the term " eBay it" or eBay Him" as the new phrase.

eBay will also dominate the market in terms of a shopping website since they will have full control of where their website will rank and which of their competition will be pushed all the way back.

eBay will also institute a new feedback system for merchants listed on google ummm, excuse me, I mean eBay search engine. The top performing companies will receive automatic placement on top along with a top seller badge to show customers they are worth buying from.

Conclusion: I am not sure whether this will ever happen, or if it even makes any sense if it were to happen, but if anything I would imagine Google being the acquirer instead of eBay since Google is much more powerful in terms of revenue and branding.

In my own opinion, if eBay were to purchase Google, all hell will break loose from companies all over the web as eBay will be the most hated entity of the world (as if it almost already is)


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